AJAX Caching with Titanium Appcelerator

So I’ve had quite a few questions about how I do AJAX caching in Titanium Appcelerator. So, here’s my solution.

First, I needed some persistent storage with a very general structure. I could have gone with flat files, but I decided to make use of the built-in SQLite engine, so that I could easily access entries and delete old data.


var db_conn = Ti.Database.open('app_db1');
db_conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `remote_cache`
                 (key TEXT, type TEXT, valid_till TEXT, value TEXT,
                 PRIMARY KEY (key, type))');

Next, I need a wrapper class for my ajax calls. Note the “get” function which is the main function call. Here is the signature and explaination:

get: function (url, params, type, valid_for, callback, skip_cache)

  • url : string : the full url to call
  • params : object : a simple object with name/value parse for POST variables
  • type : string : the cache domain for this call. Usefull for clearing all cache data for a specific domain
  • valid_for : date string : the amount of time the cache should remain valid for
  • callback : function : the function to call on completion or fail of the request
  • skip_cache : boolean : an option to bypass the cache and perform write through

AJAX Class

var ajax =
	http_conn: Ti.Network.createHTTPClient(),
	valid_for: '+1 hour',
	callback: null,
	get: function (url, params, type, valid_for, callback, skip_cache)
		this.key = MD5(url + '|' +   JSON.stringify(params));
		this.url = url;
		this.params = params;
		this.valid_for = valid_for;
		this.type = type;

		this.callback = callback;

		if (ajax.debug) Titanium.API.info('Ajax Call');
		if (skip_cache)
		else if (!this.local_grab())

	abort : function ()

	local_grab: function ()
		if (ajax.debug) Titanium.API.info('Checking Local key:' + this.key);

		var rows = db_conn.execute('SELECT valid_till, value FROM remote_cache WHERE key = ? AND type = ? AND valid_till > datetime(\'now\')',  this.key, this.type);//, '', '+this.valid_for+')');//',  this.key, 'date(\'now\', '+this.valid_for+')');
		var result = false;
		if (rows.isValidRow())
			if (ajax.debug) Titanium.API.info('Local cache found with expiration:' + rows.fieldByName('valid_till'));
			var result = JSON.parse(rows.fieldByName('value'));

			result = true;
		return result;

	remote_grab: function ()
		if (ajax.debug) Titanium.API.info('Calling Remote: ' + this.url + ' - PARAMS: '+ JSON.stringify(this.params));


		// catch errors
		this.http_conn.onerror = function(e)
			//alert('Call failed');

		// open connection
		this.http_conn.open('POST', this.url);

		// act on response
		var key = this.key;
		var valid_for = this.valid_for;
		var callback = this.callback;
		var type = this.type;

		this.http_conn.onload = function()
			if (ajax.debug) Titanium.API.info('Response from server:' + this.responseText);
			if (this.responseText != 'null')
				var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
				if (response.result == true || (response && response.length > 0))
					ajax.update_local(key, type, valid_for, response);
				else if (response.result == false && response.error  && response.error.length > 0)
					callback({result:false,error:'Invalid Result (1)'});
				callback({result:false,error:'Invalid Result (2)'});

		// Send the HTTP request


	update_local: function (key, type, valid_for, response)
		if (ajax.debug) Ti.API.info('Updating Cache: KEY: ' + key + ' TYPE: ' + type +' - FOR: '+valid_for+', ' + JSON.stringify(response));
		db_conn.execute('DELETE FROM remote_cache WHERE (valid_till <= datetime(\'now\') OR key = ?) AND type = ?', key, type);
		db_conn.execute('INSERT INTO remote_cache ( key, type, valid_till, value ) VALUES(?,?,datetime(\'now\',?),?)',key, type, valid_for, JSON.stringify(response));

1 thoughts on “AJAX Caching with Titanium Appcelerator

  1. magico says:

    Great share thank you!!
    you library is great!!

    just one question from a newbie:

    I’m including the lib with:

    var ajax = require("ajax") //coped ajax.js into /lib
    //then i have to use like:

    //is it possible to export directly so i can just call it like:
    ajax.call(...) ??

    I tried with:

    var ajax = require(“ajax”).ajax

    //changed the exports into
    exports.ajax = { your code}

    //but nothing!
    thank you!!

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